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Does Cold Water Cause Cancer? Know What Expert Oncologist In Noida Says

Time and again, we have been reminded of the benefits of drinking water. Water has enormous benefits for the mind and the body. However, drinking cold water can have consequences, or so it is believed.

Some people like to nurture the belief that cold water can cause negative impacts on one’s body and cause ill effects on one’s long-term health. It is said to make the stomach hard. Some say that it solidifies the oil-rich food that we consume, which interacts with acids in the stomach to produce fats. This fact accumulates on the intestinal walls to pave the way for cancer.

Alternatively, Indian Ayurveda suggests that cold water slows down bodily functions and disrupts the digestive process. Let us delve into the topic of discussion to find out whether cold water causes cancer.

Cancer specialists at CCI and well-known cancer doctor, Dr. Manish Singhal tells you the real story behind the fact and the fiction.

How Is Cold Water Related To Cancer?

It is true that cold water affects one’s body. Cold water aggravates cold and flu. It causes nasal blockages. Cold water also affects migraines and increases achalasia pain. The pain while passing food through your esophagus is called achalasia and that can increase if you take cold water with your food. Alternatively, cold water can also cool you down on warm, humid days of the summer season. But how can cold water cause cancer symptoms?

If you visit an oncologist in Delhi, they will tell you exactly how cold water affects you in a negative way. The cold water turns oily food into solids, which react with acids to form fats that accumulate in the intestinal linings. Apart from the story of consolidated mass turning into fat, there is not much credibility to the myth. Water; be it hot or cold, attains the body temperature once it is inside it. Furthermore, oils are fats essentially. Thus, stomach acids break down all food and do not 'convert' oils into fats, thereby rendering them harmful to the body.

Dr. Manish Singhal, one of the best oncologists in Delhi NCR and cancer specialist in Noida, is often faced with the questions of cold water-related to cancer. He says that the answer to the question is a loud no.

How Can Cancer Be Prevented?

There are multiple ways to prevent cancer, but avoiding water is certainly not one of them. From the best cancer doctor in Delhi to an oncologist in Noida, everyone will tell you that the ways of avoiding cancer are simple.

  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Using a sunscreen
  • Practicing a healthy lifestyle
  • Nutritious diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Cancer check-ups on a regular basis.
  • Adequate amounts of water

These daily practices help you avoid cancer.


Make an appointment with doctors, oncologists, and cancer specialists at CCI for the best cancer treatment in India.