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Brain Cancer Prognosis: Brain Cancer doctor In Noida

Brain cancer develops when cancer cells proliferate to form a mass of cancer tissue inside the brain, interfering with functioning and causing symptoms such as loss of muscular control, sensation, and other body functions. Brain malignancies are classified as either primary tumors that originate in the brain but never spread to other areas of the body or secondary tumors caused by cancers from other parts of the body.

More than 120 different forms of brain and central nervous system (CNS) tumors have been classified. Malignant tumors are those that are made up of cancer cells. Most of the time, determining the origin of brain cancer is difficult, although the following factors may increase a person's risk of having a brain tumor:

  • Age:  More common in children and the elderly.
  • Gender:  Both men and women are at risk of developing brain tumors. However, brain tumors such as meningioma are more common in women.
  • Workplace Exposure: People who work with solvents, pesticides, oil, and rubber products are at a higher risk of developing a brain tumor.
  • Infections, Viruses, and Allergens: People who have previously been infected with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBT) are more likely to develop CNS lymphoma.
  • Electromagnetic Fields: There is no link between energy from power lines or cell phones and an increased risk of getting brain cancer. However, the WHO recommends that adults and children minimize their usage of cell phones.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Brain Cancer Prognosis?

Brain cancer patients may have some symptoms and indicators. It can be both specialized and broad. Pressure on the brain and spinal cord can create general symptoms. Specific symptoms appear when a specific area of the brain is not working normally. Let's have a look at some of the most common symptoms:

  • Headache (Motor seizures in which a person's involuntary muscle movements are hampered.)
  • Sensational shift ( loss of vision, smell, and hearing )
  • Consciousness loss
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of Memory

Suppose you have any of the following general symptoms. In that case, you should contact a Cancer Specialist in Delhi right away because many patients with brain tumors are detected when they go to the doctor complaining about them. Now, let's look at the symptoms that are particular to the tumor's location.

  • Inability to perform motor skills and loss of balance (linked with a tumor in the cerebellum).
  • Sluggishness, muscle weakness, or paralysis are all symptoms (linked with a tumor in the frontal lobe of the cerebellum).
  • Loss of vision, either partial or whole (Linked with development of cancerous cells in occipital lobe or temporal lobe).
  • Swallowing Difficulties (linked with a tumor in the brain stem).

If you are concerned about any of these symptoms, you should see a Brain Cancer doctor in Noida right once.

What are the Different Types of Brain Cancer?

Brain cancer grades describe the characteristics of the tumor. For example, when cancer professionals discover that the tumor cells are growing out of control or that there are a large number of dead cells inside the brain, the tumor is graded higher. Lower-grade tumors have a higher survival rate than higher-grade tumors. Let's take a look at the four types of brain cancer:

  • Grade I: Tumours are the most common type. They develop slowly and have little chance of spreading. It is treatable with surgery.
  • Grade II: These tumors have the potential to develop and spread slowly. The tissues are cancerous. They have a good likelihood of recovering after treatment.
  • Grade III: Tumours are characterized by fast development and the absence of dead cells. They have a peculiar appearance (anaplastic).
  • Grade IV: The tumor cells divide rapidly at this stage. The tumor has aberrant blood vessel development as well as regions of dead tissue. The tumor develops and spreads quicker than all other grades combined.

What is the diagnosis for Brain cancer Prognosis?

The most common way to diagnose a brain tumor is to look for symptoms. A team of neurologists, neurosurgeons, and the Best Oncologist in Delhi, NCR usually administer the treatment. Most brain tumors are diagnosed using the tests and procedures listed below.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): MRIs are used to measure the size of a tumor and get a clearer picture of it. The neurologist does this by using "diffusion-weighted imaging" to determine the cellular structure of the brain.
  • CT Scan: It performs a head scan, which entails taking a series of X-rays from various angles. A CT scan will reveal more about the brain's tissues and structure than a typical X-ray. It produces a three-dimensional image that highlights any anomalies or tumors. It will determine the size of the tumor. The CT Scan can also show changes in the bone in the head.
  • Biopsy: A sample of the tumor's tissue is taken to make a final diagnosis. A biopsy is the surgical removal of a tiny piece of tissue for examination. It is one of the most reliable methods of detecting brain tumors.

What are the treatments for Brain Cancer Prognosis, and where can you get the finest care?

Treatment for brain cancer is determined by the grade, size, and kind of tumor, as well as whether the tumor is pressing on other regions of the body. The following are some of the most prevalent methods of therapies for brain tumors:

  • Surgery: It is a common method of treating brain tumors. During the operation, the tumor and surrounding healthy tissue are removed. It is the very first treatment for brain tumors. This is only effective for low-grade brain tumors. Patients who are diagnosed with a low-grade tumor can consult a Cancer Specialist in Delhi to get the best treatment as they use specialized techniques to treat brain cancer.
  • Radiation: Tumor cells are destroyed with high-energy X-rays. This treatment slows or stops the growth of brain tumors. It is administered following surgery and, possibly, chemotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy: Drugs are used in this treatment to eliminate tumor cells, preventing them from growing and dividing. It is performed after the surgery and comprises a series of cycles spread out over time.

Cancer Consult India is at the cutting edge of brain cancer research and therapy. They are one of the Best Oncologists in Delhi NCR and provide their patients with a wide range of specialist therapies. Contact them at for treatment from top cancer specialist Dr. Manish Singhal, cancer specialist in Delhi NCR.